How to arrive

Here you'll find some information on how to arrive in Tivoli (from Rome) using different means of transport.

By car. Length: about 30'-40'.
Tivoli is reachable from Rome by the motorway A24. Using the car you can easily esplore the surroundings of Tivoli, but the principal drawback is the traffic.


By bus. Length: about 40'-70'.
There are many departures from the station of metro B in Rome. The bus stops are situated near the city center.
The bus line Rome-Tivoli Via Prenestina has a stop near Hadrian's Villa.
The principal drawback is the traffic.


By train. Length: about 1h.
You'll avoid the traffic but, because the Roma-Tivoli line is a single-line railway, there aren't many departures.
The railway station of Tivoli is 1 Km far from the city center.


Once arrived in Tivoli, you can read the Orientation section in order to orient yourself.












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Con il patrocinio del Comune di Tivoli, Assessorato al Turismo

Patrocinio Comune di Tivoli

Assessorato al Turismo