San Gregorio da Sassola

13 km south-east of Tivoli and about 35 km from Rome, at a height of 651 m, stands the picturesque and medieval San Gregorio da Sassola, situated in the heart of Prenestini Mounts.

San Gregorio da Sassola

Other point of interest

Convent of S.Maria Nuova
  • Convent of S. Maria Nova
  • Roman aqueducts
  • Church of St.Gregory Magno
  • Church of the Madonna Cavata
  • Church of St. Biagio

The Mola bridge is an integral part of one of antique Rome's aqueducts: the Anio Vetus.
In origin it was composed from a double overlapping order of 22 arched everyone (of which only eight remain to-date), for one total length of approximately 150 m. and for a height of 25. Six arched, three under and three over, are collapsed for the erosion of the foundations to work of waters of the pit others two have been made to collapse from the peasants.
The Mola bridge represents the source of inspiration of numerous painters among which was Ettore R. Franz.
In recent age it has been restored.

Built during the 6th to 9th centuries and know initially as Castel San Gergorio. It owes its name to the Pontifex Gregory the Great who donated the feudal holding to the convent of Sant'Andrea al Celio in 587.

A visit to the town also gives one an opportunity to taste the local crop par excellence: the olive, which is celebrated by a festival in October, and the wild boar, wich is celebrated in April with the Wild Boars meat festival.


  • The Sacro Speco

    An impressive complex of buildings which almost looks as if it is one with the surrounding rock...

To know more

  • Rocca Pia

    Built on the place where Callisto II Borgia's Castle was situated...

  • Church of St.Peter

    It was built on the rests of a roman villa...

Con il patrocinio del Comune di Tivoli, Assessorato al Turismo

Patrocinio Comune di Tivoli

Assessorato al Turismo