Geographical position

Tivoli, the old "Tibur Superbum" as Virgilio called it, is in the western side of the Monti Sabini, small mountains in the East of Rome. It's 235 meters over the sea and it lays in a hill, for this reason Orazio called it "Tibur supinum". The geographical position makes the town a regular transit point, once the only one, to go from the Roman country to the Appennine and the Adriatic sea.

Ingrandisce foto Tempio di Vesta

The river Aniene, whose springs are near Trevi and Filettino, flows through it in the eastern side. The city (almost 50000 inhabitants) has really old origins. It sets in river grounds and for this reason it has never suffered violent earthquakes. The view of the landscape, since it is like a balcony on the Roman country, has always increased its popularity.
Its climate and its good air were praised from some Roman poets as Catullo, Orazio e Marziale, for this reason the Romans built here lots of their magnificence villas.

Also nowadays, modern scientists state that for its good position, the town is the healthiest of the surroundings of Rome, especially in summer. Furthermore, according to Marziale, the air of Tivoli has the power to whiten the skin and to give ivory its natural brightness.









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Con il patrocinio del Comune di Tivoli, Assessorato al Turismo

Patrocinio Comune di Tivoli

Assessorato al Turismo